201/365 – Bad Signs

Welcome to my neighbourhood! Here are some local signs that could use some adjusting:

Exhibit 1: If you’re going to go to the trouble of putting up a sign meant to inform, give directions or influence behaviour, you should probably put it up the right way.


Here’s the reverse of the above sign. Make sure you do what it says! (if you can figure it out):


Exhibit 2: What is “today” supposed to mean? Whatever it is, it’s definitely not the traditional meaning that you and I have used it for, since the sign has been there for over two weeks:


Exhibit 3: So, between these hours only buses are allowed? Or if you’re a bus, you can only access this area during these hours? With this wording, either interpretation can be correct:


Jude, Ottawa, Canada

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3 Responses to 201/365 – Bad Signs

  1. torc365 says:




  2. torc365 says:

    Crazy! Although we have similar parking signs to exhibit 3 in town, for resident parking, which say “Parking: 2 hours maximum stay. Resident permit holders only 10-11 am and 2-3pm” so that means everyone else can park there for 2 hours outside of those times, but residents anytime, LOL! ~nienna


  3. torc365 says:

    The first one is the definition of “you have one job.”



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